FOLF 2006 News Archive
December 16, 2006
A great turnout for the annual Holiday Cleanup. As usual, most of the trash collected was left by humans (unless you know of a dog that leaves its beer bottles in the bushes. Most unusual find: a mattress.
Everyone's participation in the cleanup days is important. It is part of the FOLF stewardship mission to keep the park clean and safe so we can all enjoy the daily recreation for ourselves and our pets.
As part of the cleanup, cans of dog food were collected and donated to the SPCA for their annual holiday food drive. The food drive helps offset holiday costs for low income families by helping out with the food for their pets.
Thanks to everyone who shared in the fun and the spirit of the holidays! Click to see Cleanup Day photos
A March and Rally, November 18, 2006
This dog-friendly event signaled the one-year countdown to overturn the State's unjust decision to close Lighthouse Field State Beach for off-leash access in November 2007. The event got the attention of local residents here in Santa Cruz as well as the news media throughout the Central Coast and San Francisco Bay Area.
FOLF recap: Paws In the Park
Local media coverage: Santa Cruz and beyond
Exclusive canine reporting: FOLF rover reporter, Bandit Z. Beedle
Photos: Paws In the Park Photo Galleries
Friends of Lighthouse Field presented our case 'Preserving the Community
at Lighthouse Field State Beach' to the Santa Cruz Park and Recreation
Commissioners. The 15 minute presentation delivered by Michael Tilson
provided the commissioners with FOLF's encouragement for the commission to make their recommendations NOW to the City Council.
Download the FOLF presentation (.pdf 1.3MB)
commissioner's discussed the timing and form of the recommendation and
can be expected to make a recommendation in favor of continued off-leash
access at LFSB at their December meeting. It will be important for all
who would want the continuation of off-leash access to attend this
meeting or to write the Parks and Recreation committee prior to the
December meeting. Grant Weseman spoke in opposition during public
comment and requested to present his views at length in December.
Our presentation was well-received and really helped clarify our
position especially around stewardship and safety. It also helped the
commissioners visualize how the park will likely deteriorate without the
active presences of the FOLF community. 
In addition to our
presentation, Mike presented to P&R's Steve Hammack a check in the
amount of $2000 to defray the cost of a new pet/human fountain in LSFB -
which received applause and appreciation from the staff and
Kris Reyes, the chair of the commission clarified for
other commissioners that their considerations for other off-leash and/or
dog park areas is separate from the LFSB off-leash issue which is
complicated because of the State's role in management of the park.
commission appears to now better understand how they need to proceed in
order to influence the City Council. Mike clarified that FOLF's efforts
have been primarly focused at the City and State Park levels, because
our State elected officials, including John Laird and Joe Simitian, are
unlikely to act without the guidance or input from Santa Cruz City
Council. Thanks to Mike Tilson for presenting our position.
from the Santa Cruz Sentinel, 7 November 2006
Friends of Lighthouse Field, a group of city residents fighting to keep off-leash privileges for dogs at Its Beach and Lighthouse Field, have shown their commitment to the cause.
On Monday, the group presented the city Parks and Recreation Commission with a check for $2,000 to purchase a new pet water fountain at Lighthouse Field.
The money, raised through community donations, will cover the cost of the fountain and its installation along with a dedication plaque.
Lighthouse Field State Beach is slated to be returned to state management in 2007, including mandatory dogs on leashes.

The event, a wine-tasting, networking social raised funds for the installation of a new people/pet water fountain in Lighthouse Field as well as funds to continue our ongoing campaign to preserve Lighthouse Field State Beach for off leash access by responsible pet owners. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 day of the event. Over $2,000 was raised and was presented to Santa Cruz Parks & Rec on November 6. [see the story here]
(click here for PDF flyer) (click here for press release)
Go to one of these meetings, and let them know what you want in our City Parks:
You want to maintain Lighthouse Field and Its Beach as off-leash recreation,
that you see a need for more off-leash recreation areas and hours in more parks!
Monday, October 9th, 4:00 PM
Parks and Rec Commission meeting, at City Hall
Wednesday, August 23, 5:30 PM
Frederick Street Park
Thursday, August 31, 5:30 PM
University Terrace Park, Meder Street
Questions or Comments?
Contact the City of Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation Department
420-5270, or, or go to the Write Letters page for more contact information.
(official flyer available at:
The August newsletter is available, with updates, a highlight of one of our Friends of Lighthouse Field members,
projects you can sign up to help on, a listing of the current board members, and upcoming dog related events.
(click here to see the newsletter)
June 7th Press Release:
(click here for complete PDF press release)
May 29th Endorsement Update: Click Here to see the survey responses from all candidates.
May 17th Press Release:
(click here for complete May 17th PDF press release)
April 25th Press Release
(click here for complete April 25 PDF press release)
FOLF Cleanup and Trail Repair Day!
Thanks for your help on FOLF Cleanup and Trail Repair Day!
On April 15 2006, FOLF held its Lighthouse Field Trail Repair and Cleanup Day, organized in conjunction with CitySERVE.
With more than 55 volunteers, FOLF volunteers spread tons of gravel, countless square yards
of mulch and picked-up numerous barrels of trash, primarily human trash.
Thanks to Mike Borda for these pictures - more to come!
FOLF Update - March 2006
Friends of Lighthouse Field Elects Board of Directors
In November 2007, the State Parks Department is scheduled to take management control of Lighthouse Field State Beach (LFSB). With this change of control, the State has stated plans to close off-leash access to LFSB. This is going to happen unless the State’s decision somehow gets examined and changed. In support of overturning the State’s arbitrary edict, many and diverse individuals, families, business and organizations have rallied behind the Friends of Lighthouse Field (FOLF). Our vibrant community of Santa Cruz pet lovers now stands as diverse witness to the broad-based support of for a dog-friendly Santa Cruz. I like dogs ‘off-leash’ and I vote! Is FOLF’s common rallying point.
Recent Activity:
It has been a very energizing few weeks. We are happy to announce that a broad-based FOLF Board of Directors has been formed in an effort to improve communication, outreach to FOLF members, and focus on high-impact results.
FOLF is pleased to announce the election of the following officers for its interim board: Betsy Firebaugh, Chair; Mike Tilson, Vice Chair and Treasurer; Kristi Bittner, Secretary; and also rounding out the board are Bob Campbell, Matt Cocchi, Mark Hallock, John McGuire, Bev Tracey and Zee Zaballos. The interim Board and its officers will serve for a period of four months to help formulate a longer-term action plan.
The FOLF Board is now actively considering initiatives such as:
- Compel the Santa Cruz City Council to continue their agreement to maintain LFSB
- Secure expert advice, counsel and broad representation from multiple sources to explore all administrative, legal and political options in reversing the State’s arbitrary and harmful decision
- Secure endorsements from local officials for dog-friendly opportunities
- Enroll the support of our State Assemblyman, John Laird
- Explore the potential for City to assume ownership of LFSB
- Enroll the support of other groups and of the City of Santa Cruz
- Promote either amending AB 359 to include Northern California, or facilitate the creation of our own bill
- Launch a letter-writing campaign to the City and County of Santa Cruz and the State of California
The Board is now meeting on a weekly basis to get some of these efforts off the ground. All of this represents a massive grass-roots efforts, and your active involvement will be vital. The Board will be working to formulate a cohesive multi-faceted action plan including the process on how you can play a key role. Meanwhile, here‘s what you can do NOW:
- Write a letter to a state official - click here for contact information
- Enroll your friends, neighbors and family
- Proudly portray an "I Like Dogs and I Vote" bumper sticker. To receive a packet of six bumper sticks, e-mail with your address and we‘ll send them to you right away
- Attend an upcoming Parks and Rec public meeting on the subject - stay tuned for dates and times
- Saturday, April 1 - Lighthouse Field State Beach Cleanup & Trailwork Day. Participate in the stewardship day co-sponsored by Friends of Lighthouse Field and Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation Department. Check the FOLF website for more details
On behalf of Friends of Lighthouse Field - we believe our collective bark in favor of off-leash dogs can overturn the State's biting decision!
Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Commission Calls for Public Hearings and Legal Recommendations in Support of Off-Leash Recreation for Dogs at Lighthouse Field State Beach and Other Santa Cruz Parks
Friends of Lighthouse Field Launches Campaign to Maintain Lighthouse Field State Beach as Model for Off-Leash Recreation
Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Commission March 6th Meeting:
* Addresses both the State letter regarding Lighthouse Field State Beach, and potential new dog parks at other city parks
* Calls for public hearings and legal recommendations on these issues
* Heard from a large contingent of users Lighthouse Field and Its Beach in support of off-leash recreation
* more ...
How You Can Voice Your Support
* Information below includes some key details about what we need from both our city officials and our state officials, and information on how to contact them. *
Friends of Lighthouse Field Holds President's Day Launch -- Campaign to Maintain Lighthouse Field State Beach Off-Leash Recreation
* A campaign to celebrate 13 years of successful off-leash, multi-use policies at Lighthouse Field * A campaign to launch the fight against a state bureaucrats order to end off-leash recreation at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach * A launch party to celebrate President's Day, our dogs, and our community of Friends of Lighthouse Field and Its Beach * more ...
Summary of Recent Activities:
* Met in person with Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation staff to share our views. * Stated a program of action to the City Parks & Recreation Commission explaining how we want the City to respond. (see letter to commission)
* Begun to work with City Council members to promote our program. * Organized a letter writing campaign resulting in a large number of letters going to the City and the State. * Held the First Dog celebration and campaign kick-off event. * Participated in the Santa Cruz County Pooches in the Park event to promote FOLF and our activities. * Organized a heavy turnout to the first public City of Santa Cruz meeting at which the City would start the process of responding to the State, resulting in 25 favorable speakers, volumes of letters and emails, and a meeting room full of supporters. * Started a process to create a larger, more effective, and faster moving organization structure to prepare for the work ahead.
SANTA CRUZ, March 7, 2006
- The Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Commission voted unanimously at its Monday session to conduct a series of public meetings in order to gauge Santa Cruz's sentiments in favor of additional off-leash recreation areas (OLRAs) for dogs in Santa Cruz parks. Further, the Commission asked for a recommendation from the City Attorney regarding options the City of Santa Cruz can pursue to keep Lighthouse Field State Beach open for off-leash access, including legal action to compel the state to rescind its decision closing Lighthouse Field to off-leash access in November 2007, acquiring Lighthouse Field for the City, pursuing legislation in support of dogs in state parks, and holding a ballot initiative. Additionally, Commissioners discussed the need for a title and boundary survey to determine whether Its Beach is actually owned by the City or the State.
The Commissioners passed around a thick folder of letters from Santa Cruz residents unanimously expressing support for keeping Lighthouse Field and Its Beach open for dogs. More than 25 speakers also addressed the Commission proceedings, all expressing their support for off-leash access because of its value to the social fabric and quality of life in Santa Cruz as well as the improvements in the public safety and decrease in illegal activities in the Lighthouse Field area attributed to the active presence and stewardship of pet owners, their families, friends and dogs.
Off-leash hours at Lighthouse Field go hand in hand with a mix of uses by pet owners, surfers, bikers, hikers, bird watchers, butterfly lovers and socializers.
Lighthouse Field State Beach - A Successful Model of Dogs in Parks
These promising developments at the local level mark the latest milestones in the Friends of Lighthouse Field's efforts to maintain off-leash recreation at Lighthouse Field State Beach as a successful model for dog-friendly parks. Friends of Lighthouse Field are also embarking to consolidate and improve its organizational structure by establishing an interim board of directors. Concurrently, support for dogs in parks is growing throughout California with the pending passage of State Assembly Bill 359 to authorize a one-year off-leash dog beach pilot program at Dockweiler Beach in Santa Monica. Long Beach is the only other city in Los Angeles County with a dog park on the beach.
What You Can Do To Save Lighthouse Field and Its Beach for Off-Leash Access
It was clearly evident at the Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation meeting that letters from Santa Cruz taxpayers supporting off-leash access at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach are making a difference. It is imperative that concerned citizens now communicate your wishes to our state officials with a cc: to our city officials. Visit
and click on "Write Letters," for contact information for many of the state officials - both elected officials and State Parks officials. Consider including the following points in your correspondence:
Communications to City Officials
>* Request that the City Council and Parks and Recreation support our community by opposing the State's mandate to ban off-leash dogs at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach. * Request that the State decision be the subject of public hearings and open for review. * Request that the City of Santa Cruz wishes to preserve off-leash recreation as an important aspect of our community's quality of life. * Stress the important role that our community of responsible pet owners has in the stewardship and safety of the Lighthouse Field area. * Ask the City Attorney to research legal means to reverse the State's order.
Communications to State Officials
* Request that a public process be conducted to review the state's arbitrary edict to terminate off-leash access at Lighthouse Field State Beach. * Request input from the City of Santa Cruz in reconsidering the arbitrary decision made without public input.. * The current status at Lighthouse Field State Beach is exactly what you'd like to have in a park. Declare that Lighthouse Field and Its Beach is a successful model... and abides by the mission of the California Department of Parks and Recreation which is to provide for the health, inspiration, and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. * Off-leash recreation access promotes public safety. Lighthouse Field
has become far safer and more family-friendly since 1993, when the park became available for off-leash recreation for use by dog-owning families. This increased use of the park by law-abiding citizens. * In the interest for the well being of our community, request that the state reverse its decision.
Go to our "Write Letters" page for contact information.
SANTA CRUZ, March 7, 2006
"First Dog" Contest Uncovers Santa Cruz's Canine Look-A-Likes for Dogs of U.S. Presidents
On a lighter note, Friends of Lighthouse Field launched the campaign to maintain Lighthouse Field State Beach as an off-leash recreation area with the "First Dog" contest in conjunction with Presidents' Day. Emceed by Matt Cocci, with judges Santa Cruz City Council Member Ryan Coonerty and renowned chef Joseph "India Joze" Schultz. First-place honors went to "Ruby" aka President's Clinton's "Buddy," a Presidential Chocolate Labrador owned by Rachael and Alan Bernstein. Second place went to Dana Blumrosen's "Pierre,' a talented canine singer that in sweet harmony with its songstress master Dana is a look-a-like duo for LBJ and singing dog "Yuki." Third-place honors went to "Bella," a spunky Chihuahua owned by Jennifer Zaballos that in its heart bears an uncanny resemblance to President Herbert Hoover's German Shepherd "King Tut."
First Prize Goes to Rachael and Alan Bernstein's Chocolate Lab "Ruby" aka President Clinton's "Buddy"
"Buddy" President Clinton's Chocolate Labrador
"Ruby" FOLF First Dog Presidents' Dog Look-A-Like Contest Winner Owned by Rachael & Alan Bernstein
Honorable mention went to Betsy Firebaugh's Sadie and Maggie, posed as the first dogs elected in 2016 as U.S. President and Vice President. A "pop quiz" about Presidential pets was won by Patricia Luboff (owner of Rudy and Donald) for answering arcane questions about U.S. Presidents and their pets, such as: Do you know which President's dogs were named Drunkard, Tipsy, Mopsy and Taster? What did LBJ do to his dog to incur public wrath? Coastline Brewery & Restaurant graciously hosted the fun event, and prizes were donated by local businesses including Pearl Alley Bistro, Branciforte Creek Vineyard and many others.
About Friends of Lighthouse Field
Friends of Lighthouse Field was formed in 2002 to maintain Lighthouse Field State Beach as a model for off-leash recreation in parks through education, park cleanups and other stewardship activities. For more information, visit