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Get writing inspiration from the presentation that was made at the May 2007 FOLF Forum. See also the letter that FOLF sent to the City Parks and Recreation Department, for more information and arguments: FOLF CityParksRec letter 2006-01-31.pdf
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Ideas for Communications to City Officials
* Request that the City Council permanently preserve off-leash recreation at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach.
* The City of Santa Cruz should preserve off-leash recreation as an important aspect of our community's quality of life. This is part of the heart and soul of Santa Cruz, and it shouldn't be surrendered lightly.
* Stress the important role that our community of responsible pet owners has in the stewardship and safety of the Lighthouse Field area and the benefits of this presence for all area residents whether or not they have dogs. The current status at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach is exactly what you'd like to have in a park -- actively supported by a large and committed community presence.
* Explain the importance of City control of the Lighthouse Field area. State Parks can not provide adequate maintenance or public safety resources for a heavily used urban park in the heart of our town. This park was always meant to be a City park.
* Talk about the economic benefits of a community-supported park: reduced public safety costs and reduced maintenance costs. Talk about tourism revenue: Without the facility at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach, Santa Cruz will become one of the State's least friendly destinations for the 37% of households with dogs.
Ideas for Communications to State Officials
* Request that State Parks work with the City of Santa Cruz to permanently preserve off-leash recreation at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach, and that this should be accomplished by March 15, 2008 (the day the State may start writing off-leash citations).
* Off-leash recreation promotes public safety. This is a magnet that attracts the daily presence of responsible community members. Lighthouse Field and Its Beach are far safer and more family-friendly as a result.
* The current status at Lighthouse Field State Beach is exactly what you'd like to have in a park -- actively supported by a large and committed community presence. Declare that Lighthouse Field and Its Beach is a successful model... and abides by the mission of the California Department of Parks and Recreation which is to provide for the health, inspiration, and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation.
* Rather than trying to drive this community out, State Parks ought to view this as an ideal opportunity to meet an important recreational need.
Ideas for Communications to the Press
* Emphasize the benefits to everyone, not just to people with dogs.
* Explain how investing in Lighthouse Field to preserve off-leash access will have economic benefits in reduced public safety costs, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced visitor revenue.
* Talk about the need for City control of the central part of our park system, how it will decline as a result of State Parks limited maintenance and safety resources, and how it will be more difficult to hold traditional events such as surfing contests.
* Express your concern that a park which has been supported on a daily basis by a large and vibrant community could evolve into a dangerous urban space largely abandoned by all except partiers, drug users, prostitutes and illegal campers.
Ideas for Communications to the Press
* Emphasize the benefits to everyone, not just to people with dogs.
* Explain how investing in Lighthouse Field to preserve off-leash access will have economic benefits in reduced public safety costs, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced visitor revenue.
* Talk about the need for City control of the central part of our park system, how it will decline as a result of State Parks limited maintenance and safety resources, and how it will be more difficult to hold traditional events such as surfing contests.
* Express your concern that a park which has been supported on a daily basis by a large and vibrant community could evolve into a dangerous urban space largely abandoned by all except partiers, drug users, prostitutes and illegal campers.
See a complete list of city, state and media contacts.