FOLF 2008 News
Updated 6/1/09
California State Parks is Considering Abandoning Lighthouse Field
Friends of Lighthouse Field (FOLF) Will Not!
FOLF (www.folf.org) does not support the California Governor's current proposal to close State Parks across Santa Cruz and the State. We do, however, believe that the State's current budget crisis presents an opportunity for the California State Parks to evolve its policies so as to encourage and collaborate with responsible park stewards and communities like FOLF. This means the State Parks must stop wasting tax payer money and resources by intimidating a group of people providing a valuable service to their community. FOLF is committed to continue presenting solutions, alternatives, and support in working with City and State government officials to find a fair and equitable balance of use for Lighthouse Field.
State Parks is currently considering closing Lighthouse Field as a State Park. While this decision has not been made, and the implications of this decision are not yet known, FOLF declares that we will continue our commitment to responsible stewardship, education, and use of this park.
For the last seven years, FOLF has worked with City Council members, State Park officials and region legislative representatives to try to find a compromise that would enable this community to continue to enjoy its 50+ year tradition of using Lighthouse Field and Its Beach for off-leash recreation. FOLF represents over 3000 supporters who are dedicated to off-leash recreation, this community of people, and quality of life in Santa Cruz.
Despite policies against off-leash recreation and efforts to disband this community, FOLF has been and will continue to be good park stewards by holding regular clean-ups, encouraging responsible dog ownership, and hosting community gatherings and events. We remain committed to our community role and this effort. And, we believe that this effort is critical to help decrease crime in the park, maintain the park, and increase the vitality and vibrancy of Santa Cruz.
Please take a moment to go to the FOLF web site (www.folf.org) and sign FOLF's letter to the State Parks by no later than June 9th. This letter and your support signatures will be delivered to California State Parks.
Thank you for your on-going support and friendship!
Friends of Lighthouse Field
P.S. For those of you interested in the Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks Rally at Natural Bridges, Monday June 1 at 5:30 PM, see www.ThatsMyPark.org.
Friends of Lighthouse Field
849 Almar Ave.
Suite C - PMB 414
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Here's a recap of 2008 FOLF News and Events:
City Proposes to Acquire Its Beach
The City of Santa Cruz is moving forward on steps necessary to acquire Its Beach
from California State Parks and thereby restore legal off-leash recreation on
the Beach. The first major step a long Environmental Impact Report (EIR) process
that will not conclude until sometime in 2009.
FOLF supports this as a positive step forward. We continue to be committed
to the restoration of traditional off-leash recreation at Lighthouse Field as
Please see our Its Beach status report for more
Take Back the Park

On Saturday morning April 5, well over 100 people showed up for the FOLF "Take Back the Park" rally and park cleanup day. The purpose of the rally was to show that we will not be turned away. Neither State Parks harassment nor the increase in illegal camping, drinking, drugs and other abuse will succeed in eliminating a vibrant community.
Speakers included FOLF co-chairs Betsy Firebaugh and Bob Campbell and we had brief remarks from Vice Mayor Cynthia Matthews, Councilmember Tony Madrigal, State Assembly candidate Barbara Sprenger, and Bruce Van Allen on behalf of Assembly candidate Bill Monning. We also heard from a park visitor's account of some of her personal negative impacts resulting from the recent State Parks campaign to drive our community out of Lighthouse Field and Its Beach.
It was a sunny morning, with many friendly off-leash dogs. People enjoyed each other's company along with coffee, muffins, cookies and of course some dog treats. This was by far the largest turnout we've had for a cleanup day. There was a great community feeling and we thank everyone who participated!
City/State Negotiation Update
State Parks is offering to transfer Lighthouse Field State Beach to the City of Santa Cruz. Some time ago, the City offered $1M, but State law requires an appraisal, which came in at about $1.4M, with the limitation that LFSB would remain an undeveloped park indefinitely. This is great opportunity for the City given the park's size and location, and that the price could be paid over a period of years. Today, however, there is a gap, as the City is currently unwilling to pay the appraised value plus interest and additional EIR and potential on-going legal costs.
We urge you to contact the City Council and ask them to commit to making this a local park with local control and management.
FOLF offered to help augment the cost of purchasing LFSB from the State. We have proven our ability to raise funds with your support, and we have seen other organizations, such as Huntington Dog Beach, sustain a level of effort over multiple years, so we confidently proposed raising $600,000 -- $20K a year for 30 years. (See our offer.)
On February 1, a meeting was held between FOLF board members, Mayor Coonerty and other City officials. At that time the City had advised us that it will be difficult for the City to acquire the property without FOLF committing to raising $600K over a two year period. The City also informed us that even if we raised such a large amount so quickly, the City would not allow people with off leash dogs until after an EIR study and after all expected anti-dog litigation was completed -- possibly 4-6 years. The combination of a huge up-front contribution while the donor community is unable to use the park does not seem workable. We have responded with a counter proposal. We've strengthened our offer to raise more of the money up-front, after off-leash is again legal. (See our response and meeting notes). We believe this is realistic and achievable with your support.
FOLF is extremely concerned by what this means to our community and Santa Cruz as a whole. Lighthouse Field and Its Beach should be a centerpiece of Santa Cruz parks. Local control should be preserved because of tradition, history and the current diversity of use. The City's unwillingness to seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to forever preserve a Santa Cruz legacy is shortsighted. Allowing the State to own and operate LFSB will have a profound negative impact on safety in the park and local neighborhoods as well as on revenues from tourism and on the ability to support local events.
FOLF Makes a Proposal to City
The best solution for the future of Lighthouse Field and Its Beach is to bring the park back under City control. The City and State continue to negotiate a land transfer. There is a gap, but a deal appears possible. FOLF has made a proposal to the City to help fund the transfer with a minimum commitment of $600,000 over 30 years. (Read our proposal.)
Candlelight Vigil
On Tuesday, January 22, about 200 people came out on a dark rainy evening to let Santa Cruz City Council know that there is widespread and heartfelt support for transferring Lighthouse Field State Beach back to City control, thereby permanently protecting off-leash recreation. Outside the Council chamber we held a peaceful candlelight vigil with songs. Inside the chamber there was standing room only as FOLF supporters spoke during the public comment period.
What a wonderful feeling of mutual community support! We'd like to thank everyone who came and all the volunteers who helped with the event. When this many people show up on a rainy Tuesday night, it demonstrates the reality of the 3,000 people who have given written statements of support during the past few years.