Friends of Lighthouse Field
849 Almar Avenue
Suite C-PMB414
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Email: info@folf.org
FOLF now accepts online donations!
Your donation is more important than ever!

Click here to make a secure online donation!
Prefer to send a check? Please make payable and send to:
Friends of Lighthouse Field
849 Almar Avenue
Suite C-PMB414
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

About Friends of Lighthouse Field
Wondering what we've been up to? Have a look at the FOLF activities since November 2005. FOLF Milestones
Friends of Lighthouse Field sprang to life March 26, 2002 when about fifteen concerned dog owners came together to talk about the update to the General Plan at Lighthouse Field State Park. Each of us spends valued time at the park on a regular basis with our dog(s), and we recognize the importance of organized participation in the General Plan Update process.
At our second meeting the general public was invited to participate. At that meeting about 75 people attended most of whom are dog owners. We all share in the common goal of keeping the park an open field that is friendly to off-leash dog recreation. The letter that was written as a result of that meeting was presented and read to the Parks and Recreation Commissioners. Over the next five days we would gather 531 signatures in preparation of the Commissioners meeting.
Since then, more than 2,500 people have signed up to be part of FOLF and have shown their support in may ways. Hundreds of members have attended public meetings, written letters, sent email to the commissioners and city council, participated in cleanups or have provided support to FOLF in other ways. And yet, the connection we all have to the field and the beach has not changed, and if anything, we've become even more organized and passionate.
Our success at keeping the field a truly multi-use park -- and one that allows us to continue with our off leash dogs -- is up to you. Please show your support by participating in the ongoing cleanup days and fundraisers, attending the meetings and making your voice heard.
And please remember, actions speak louder than words. So be a good friend when you're at the field or on the beach: pickup after your canine friends, check the time before you enter the park or start down the stairs at the beach, and respect others who may not feel as comfortable around your dog as you do.