Answers to frequently asked questions about the city's decision, FOLF, and issues about LHFSB.
FOLF White Paper
Access and Recreation for People with Off-Leash Dogs at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach (download .pdf, 712k)
City Parks Map
Off-leash space is 2 percent of the city's 1,800 acres of park and open space. Find the 2%!
Legal Recommendations to the City (.pdf, 196k)
Legal opinion provided to the city regarding CEQA and the General Plan. The lawsuit filed by your neighbors disagrees with this recommendation.
Lawsuit (.pdf, 348k)
Read the lawsuit that was filed against the city, county, state, and coastal commission.
FOLF Overview (.pdf, 80k)
An overview to define what Friends of Lighthouse Field is all about.

Parks and Open Space In the City of Santa Cruz
The map below shows the City of Santa Cruz. Areas in green are public open space (parks and beaches), including State parks within the city limits. This represents approximately 1,800 acres. The areas in red are the areas available for off-leash exercise and represent less than 2% of the total available parks and open space. (Off-leasha areas are also circled.)