What do animal control experts think about off-leash recreation at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach?
Hear the views of Officer Todd Stosuy, Santa Cruz County Animal Services Field Supervisor. His responsibilities include animal control at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach. Hear him talk about the positive benefits of off-leash exercise, the lack of problems, and the responsible attitude of the current community of park users. Just one example: He spent a total of 80 hours in plain clothes at Lighthouse Field looking for people who did not clean up after their dogs. In all of that time, he gave out only one citation, because people were following the rules. This video has his complete remarks at the Friends of Lighthouse Field Community Forum, May 10, 2007.
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With your generous donation, we can fight the State's proposed unfair policy at Lighthouse Field and Its Beach in the courts. But legal fees are expensive and every dollar raised takes us closer to resolution in our favor. Please help by donating today. [DONATE NOW!]