
Stumped on ideas for generating funds to meet your goals for the FOLF walk-a-thon? Start here!
Each of us has our own goals for how much money we want to raise to help fund the FOLF legal defense fund. Regardless of whether your goal is $100, $200, $500 or more, raising money to save our community and recreation can be fun and easy.
Talk about it with your Friends and Relatives and show them the FOLF Forum Presentation!
This is the presentation that opened the FOLF Forum in May helps explain the issues. At the time of the Forum, there were 189 days to go ... we're now down to 100 days before the state takes over the field AND the beach and your off-leash privileges are revoked. There are options, but only with your help and contributions can we have a chance to change this fate!
Here are some fundraising ideas:
1) Ask 10 friends for $10-$20 each or 20 friends for $5-$10 each.
2) Raid your loose change jar or piggy bank. Many of us have lots of change rolling around the bottom of our car, squished between the couch cushions or rattling at the bottom of our bags. Dig it out and send it in. No amount is too small or too large!
3) Collect the money you spend on coffee at the coffee shop for two weeks in a jar, and donate this.
4) Have a garage sale. Turn your unwanted stuff into real money to help your FOLF community.
5) Host a dog wash. Offer to wash your friends and neighbor's dogs to raise $100.
6) Have a doggie bake sale (either human or doggie treats) or lemonade stand. This is a great summer time activity for the kids. Makes some treats or lemonade, help your children get involved in saving this park.
7) Cook dinner for you and your date at home one Saturday night - and donate the money you save for dinner and a movie to FOLF.
8) Bring a brown-bag lunch to work for 2 weeks, and donate the money you save to FOLF.
9) Get your children to donate some of their allowance for save lighthouse field.
10) If you are a teen-ager, mow a lawn or baby-sit for FOLF this summer.
11) Arrange a poker or game night with everyone donating their winning to FOLF.
The defense of this community needs your help and support. Your dog can't raise funds to keep this recreation open to them, so you need to help. Anyone can raise at least $100 or more. You can do it...and we all need your help!